I might be expecting too much. Its relatively easy to do because the materials are readily available: with nothing but a few Mentos and a bottle of Coke, you can trigger an immediate, explosive reaction, making this a very simple yet very fun (if slightly messy) experiment. Please contact for permissions. Which brings us back to this article's topic, the ballyhooed death of a youngster who consumed this combination. I could feel my belly expanding to the point of discomfort. This pre-release of the gas prevents much of the dramatic release of the gas caused by the Mentos. Make sure you move quickly away from the Diet Coke and stand back from the eruption after you add the Mentos. NEW CHALLENGE and it turned put great. Already have an account? Put it on the bottle in such a way that all the mentos in the tube are . copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. The gum is similar to the stuff in mentos, gum Arabic, which releases gas from fizzy drinks even if added alone. It is best to use the regular Mentos without extra coatings. Videos of those who have attempted such foolishness consistently show the subjects experiencing great physical distress in the aftermath of their ill-judged stunts. A Mentos dropped into a bottle of soda acts as a surfactant, meaning it reduces the surface tension of the soda. Try it at home and see how Diet Coke and Mentos react. Many people speculated that the geyser was the result of an acid base reaction, given the low pH of soda. You can see the results of this yourself by crushing a Mentos and dropping it into a bottle, then comparing the reaction to the whole candy with all its pores intact. Here are some of the chemicals that make up the shell: These ingredients act as surfactants and help accelerate the release of carbon dioxide gas. All the reactions took place in a bottle angled at 10 off vertical and the fountain trajectories were recorded on video. NEW CHALLENGE and it turned put great. Additionally, the stomach has a couple ways of expelling excess gases. It's every 8th grader's dream either you spew a volcano of soda or you explode. Inflation from diet coke and mentos can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and body These microscopic irregularities on the Mentos surface serve as nucleation sites where carbon dioxide bubbles form. The students' goal is to get the highest possible geyser. Hold Bottle by top with one hand place around the neck so that the bottle is upside down. Procedure: -. Acids are often sour tasting. And most reports of death involve someone eating Mentos rather than swallowing them, which would probably cause little to know reaction. The reaction is caused by a process called nucleation, whereby the carbon dioxide in the soda is attracted to dozens of tiny pores on the surface of the Mentos, causing so much pressure that the . Likewise, with regard to "One year before the same accident happened with another boy in Brazil," once again the news is silent regarding such a death. Cans Of Bernard Dehydrated Water: What in the World is This? 0:00 / 5:15 Diet Coke and Mentos Human Experiment **DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME** | Furious Pete Furious Pete 5.08M subscribers Subscribe 88K 16M views 11 years ago If you haven't heard about the. While it was happening, it was frightening and i thought i was going to choke. Slowly and carefully open a new bottle of Diet Coke. In an . This year, I adapted my somewhat free-wheeling "wing it" approach to this experiment to instead have students research, test, and adapt as needed. Second, even if one did get a strong reaction to eating and drinking Mentos and Diet Coke at the same time, you'd likely just quickly vomit up the foam, which there have been numerous recorded instances of. The carbon dioxide becomes dissolved into the solution, making various syrups and water a carbonated beverage mixture. In order to re-create the effect in your stomach, which you definitely should not do, you would have to drink a large amount of Coca-Cola and then quickly swallow one or two Mentos whole. One drop at a time, drop each liquid onto its own penny. Gas becomes much less soluble in warmer environments; cold soda stifles the gas creation effect and will make your geyser weaker. A rougher candy surface translates to more places for bubbles to grow, or more nucleation sites. Thus, the rates of nucleation are further increased. 1. It makes it a rather impractical exercise, i think. It is likely that these stories are exaggerated and have been spread on the Internet for entertainment purposes. If you tried to swallow the foam as is emerged from the bottle, you might well vomit because of all the gas you swallowed, but you most certainly would not die Picture: By Michael Murphy - Mich. Density is how much mass is in a given volume. Doesn't work. The carbon dioxide within the soda undergoes nucleation to become gas, and thus the sound is a result of it escaping. What could you do to make your eruption bigger? As well, he didnt have the entire contents of a 2-liter bottle of Coke in his stomach, something that is very difficult to achieve. Likewise, stories of children dying from a soda and Mentos compination appear to be nothing more than an update of the urban legend concerning Mikey, the childhood star of a series of Life cereal commercials who was a notoriously picky eater. The Mentos' surface area is conducive to carbon dioxide nucleation from the solution. The video is, of course, a joke and not real although many people claim it looks real. You can view this video on YouTube. The trick is to drop the mento in as fast as you can. Chalk doesn't dissolve in water, so it should provide nucleation sites without getting soggy. You can always add more Mentos for a bigger effect. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Forgot password? I used the cheapest brands available in our local supermarket. Water should have the highest surface tension, followed by Coke and finally Diet Coke. Christina graduated with a Master's in biology from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. For instance, if citric acid is added to a soda mixture, the fountain height will actually increase to up to six times its normal height. Make sure you do it outside. So what happens if you drink coke and eat Mentos? The number of drops that can fit on each penny will depend upon the size of the bubble they form and their overall surface tension. "Middle-school teachers are getting their students out onto the baseball field next to their school and doing this reaction, and their students love it," says Coffey. The Diet Coke and Mentos experiment results from an increased rate of nucleation. This blog aims to bring you everything soda-related - so whether thats burning questions, tips, recipes, and even in-depth tutorials for making your own healthy soft drinks at home. Water molecules are polar and attracted to each other. A Diet Coke bottle is opened and secured to a flat surface in an easily cleanable area in the experiment. Sign up, Existing user? The "child who died from combining Mentos and Coca-Cola" story is an updating of an older legend that began in 1979. Surely, then, you dont want to eat Mentos while drinking Coca-Cola, lest this reaction occurs in your stomach. John Gilchrist, the actor who portrayed Mikey as a child, is alive and well today. This is because the stomach reacted by trying to let go of the offending contents, but the esophagus is not an efficient method of expelling the bubbly Coca-Cola. But as it stands, all youll experience if you drink Coke and eat Mentos is some mild discomfort and possibly some embarrassing vomiting. also known as:. The two biggest factors affecting the geyser are the roughness of the candy used and the rate at which it sinks to the bottom of the soda bottle. "Water molecules like to be next to other water molecules, so basically anything that you drop into the soda that disrupts the network of water molecules can act as a growth site for bubbles," Coffey told New Scientist. It is the classic Diet Coke and Mentos "geyser" experiment, but with the added rigor of using the scientific method to answer the question "Which will cause a larger reaction: the sugar in regular Coke or the aspartame in Diet Coke?" -do I chew the mentos? Just it's structure. The Hypothesis The scientific method is an important way scientists make observations and come to conclusions. Next, get ready to drop your Mentos into the Diet Coke. However, i think it's a case of using a relatively inert powder with something carbonated. Another classic scientific experiment that is often performed but uncommonly understood is the Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment. Most Coca-Cola is kept carbonated by a sealed bottle, which creates a pressurized environment where the carbonated gas cant escape until the cap has been broken off or opened. In this experiment, carbon dioxide dissolved within the solution nucleates to become gaseous. For instance, in photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide are transformed into sugar. These microscopic irregularities on the Mentos' surface serve as nucleation sites where carbon dioxide bubbles form. But the bubbling youll feel on your insides isnt easy or gentle, so it shouldnt be performed regularly. This is a messy experiment. Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021. Add Tip. I think the cracks in the mentos will disappear during consumption. Any type of soda is pressurized to keep it fizzy inside the bottle. Then drink a little over half slowly in give or take 2 min. If your eruption wasn't everything you'd hoped for, make sure you have fresh ingredients. Carefully open the cap of the bottle of Coke. It was funny afterwards. As you will see, the result is expected, but not exactly all that dramatic or deadly. Mentos are a brand of packaged scotch mints or mint flavored candies sold in stores and vending machines.First produced in 1932, they are currently sold in more than 130 countries worldwide by the Italian-Dutch corporation Perfetti Van Melle. Next, secure a bottle of diet cola to the ground and remove the lid. This rate is increased because the texture and density of mentos allow bubbles to form quickly, which in turn forms more bubbles. The reaction between Diet Coke and mentos is caused by nucleation. Log in. The startling reaction between Diet Coke and Mentos sweets, made famous in thousands of YouTube videos, finally has a scientific explanation. 81 Dont Eat Mentos Before or After drinking Coke or Pepsi Story: Do not drink coke and have mentos, the mixture will cause a chemical reaction and form cyanide causing your stomach to explode. Mentos are also fairly dense and sink rapidly, quickly creating bubbles that seed further bubbles as they rise. Ok, so I was curious about this as well. - Structure, Composition & Facts, The Total of All Chemical Reactions in an Organism, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Since the Mentos merely facilitates the creation of bubbles, the candy will continue to act as a catalyst for carbon dioxide bubble formation until all of the surrounding CO2 has been exhausted in the bottle. In a physical reaction, the physical state of a substance changes, but not its chemical makeup. Aluminum Foil: Should the Shiny Side be Up or Down When Cooking? However, the only way to know what would happen would be to do an experiment. Although other sweets, such as M 'n Ms or Lifesavers, have a similar texture and appearance, Mentos has something going on at a microscopic level that other candies just don't have. Additionally, the stomach has a couple ways of expelling excess gases. And if you add a big enough surfactant, you get a geyser. The 6"5 Beachball, Helium balloon, heck whatever is here! Is the How Coca-Cola Reacts to Stomach Acid Video Real? Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. The Truth About Raspberry or Strawberry Flavor from Beaver Glands. 2. * Just drinking fizzy water was fairly OK but made me cold to the extent of uncontrollable shivering. The Coke-Mentos experiment is one of the most popular science experiments and also one of the most well-known. There is no danger in eating Mentos mints while drinking Coca-Cola. Surface tension is the bond between molecules in the liquid. I'm Chris Watson, the chap that brings you Soda Pop Craft. Ok, so i was wonderin about coke and mentos inflation. this big guy just dropped another BOOMIN video so like it up. But why is it called the "Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment" and not the "Coke and Mentos Experiment?" haha at first i was like wtf man? Is it some sort of chemical reaction between Mentos and Diet Coke that is producing the explosion? Glad it worked for you. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. As well as brewing my own homemade soda concoctions. Apparently, we were dead wrong, as the paper points out: The pH of the diet Coke prior to the reaction was 3.0, and the pH of the diet Coke after the mint Mentos reaction was also 3.0. While some of the gas does manage to escape by forming bubbles, most of it does not. The Mentos experiment can be done with any soda or carbonated liquid. As the outlet explains, "those gas bubbles want to escape," and "to create bubbles, the carbon dioxide needs to interact with itself, which means that the carbon dioxide's bonds with water in Diet Coke must be broken.". how can they do it then? Mentos mints are covered with many very tiny pores or nucleation sites. Low surface tension also helps bubbles grow quickly. If youre still on the fence about trying it, it may help to know that the experiment also provides some basic insights on the chemical and physical properties of reactants so its an educational experiment, too! Anything can cause nucleation, like a lemon or a jelly bean. I pack, and 1-2 cans mountain dew. Materials: 1 pkg. If this were the case, eating Mentos and drinking soda may indeed be dangerous. Using tartaric acid might work better. This lesson analyzes this classic experiment in more detail to understand the following learning objectives: To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. When soda is made, manufacturers oversaturate a liquid drink with gaseous carbon dioxide. You can't swallow them whole and the saliva is going to soften and dissolve the irregularities. Further versions of the story specified the deceased youngster was the taciturn "Mikey" of LIFE cereal commercials. It could easily have got quite serious, i think. When this happens fast enough, you get a nice Diet Coke fountain. Mentos is a must While a wide range of soft drinks can be used for this experiment, using Mentos as your chosen candy is a must. Thousands of microscopic carbon dioxide bubbles accumulate in these pockets, which then leaves gaps inside the bottle. The reaction occurs between these little pores and the carbon dioxide dissolved in the solution. Mentos are dense candies, which aids the sinking process a factor the study explored by comparing reactions made with whole Mentos versus crushed ones, the latter of which resulted in weaker eruptions. Concerning getting powder into capsules, you can get or make something for this. Shake and inflate. Here's What Really Causes Diet Coke And Mentos To React. Like many, I'm a HUGE soda drinks fan and have an obsession with making, testing, and trying the myriad of flavors and brands from across the world. The results of the experiment are shown in the illustration below: The types of solutes in the soda mixture also have effects on the height of the fountain. What Is The Chemical Structure Of Coca-Cola? Try to keep as much of the co2 in the coke ie not shaking it. They are covered in bumpy craters, which increases the total surface area. also causes the carbon dioxide gas to be released. But, it is true that a violent reaction occurs when you put Mentos into a bottle of Coke. 460 Words2 Pages. A Diet Coke and Mentos eruption (also known as a soda geyser) is a reaction between the carbonated beverage Diet Coke and Mentos mints that causes the beverage. It's been called the "vinegar and baking soda" reaction for a new generation. The last step is to stand back quickly and enjoy the spectacular reaction. This sound is a result of nucleation. Stop messaging me thinking I'm a girl. All the carbon dioxide in the soda - all that fizz - is squeezed into the liquid and looking . A two-litre bottle has about 15 grams of dissolved carbon dioxide, which, under the right conditions, becomes 8 litres of carbon dioxide gas in just a few seconds. Cover the opening of the test tube with an index card or similar slim, small paper. Since the escaping gas either comes out in the form of a long burp or in foam thats expelled through vomiting, the issue basically stops once the soda has evacuated your stomach in one way or another. This in turns means that the carbon dioxide gas is more rapidly released. Why do Mentos and Diet Coke react so strongly? But there have been no rigorous scientific studies of the reaction until now. When i inflate using pumps, Plavini and the like, i manage up to thirty litres equivalent at atmospheric pressure. The gruesome appeal of the combusted tot story kept the legend in circulation long after it had been repeatedly debunked and dismissed. Overall, theres no need to worry if youve done this once or twice before on a dare from a friend. So, when a Mento is dropped into some Coke, the acidity of the soda mixture quickly dissolves its shell, releasing the chemicals. He kept drinking the Coke over time, and gas continued to be released in a more steady manner than would occur if Mentos were dropped into a bottle. They are dense and sink. Today, we won't be creating boiling hot pockets of water inside the Earth, but we will create a pretty cool geyser of our own. There's a lot of carbon dioxide dissolves in the soda, which gives it its fizz. But the amazing eruption that takes place when Mentos are dropped into Diet Coke is not a chemical reaction at all! Amanda has taught high school science for over 10 years. 4. In this case, ice melting into water is a physical reaction. Additionally, SodaPopCraft.com participates in other affiliate programs, Clickbank, CJ, ShareAsale and other sites and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. The Diet Coke and Mentos reaction is a fun demonstration in chemistry and physics classes of many important concepts in thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, surface science, and . After all, its well known that dropping Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke will cause a sudden geyser of soda foam to erupt. These experiments are classic because they are excellent examples of basic scientific properties, which can be learned in a fun and interactive way. -which do I consume first? I'm addicted to Crystal Pepsi: https://youtu.be/qEjy3dS6COs \"HAVE A CRYSTAL PEPSI DAY!\" - L.A. The short answer is that eating Mentos by chewing them up while drinking Coca-Cola, or any other soda, will little to no effect. Beware of the 20-foot stream of soda that will erupt when you pull off this experiment. This happens because the surface of Mentos has thousands of microscopic pores, peaks, pits and craters in it so what we see to be a smooth outer shell is pure deception. I've had a couple of thoughts about the swallowing problem. First, choose an area that is okay to get messy. Since 2005 the Coke & Mentos reaction has been wow-ing children and adults everywhere - when it goes well! do with the outside." She is also certified in secondary special education, biology, and physics in Massachusetts. The carbon dioxide, once freed from its bonds, forms small bubbles that are lighter than water and which want to rise. The project was eventually published in the American Journal of Physics. (Can You Bring Cans On A Plane). !Facebook http://www.facebook.com/furiouspeteInstagram http://www.instagram.com/furiouspete Furious Formulations: http://www.furiouscuts.comCheck out my other Channels:Vlogs http://www.youtube.com/furioustalksSupplement Reviews http://www.youtube.com/suppsreviewsThe Furious Dog http://www.youtube.com/thefuriousdogFurious Eats http://www.youtube.com/furiouspeteFurious GamePlay http://www.youtube.com/FuriousGamePlaySend cool stuff to my PO Box!Furious Pete1801 Lakeshore Rd W Unit 6PO Box 52559 Turtle CreekMississauga, ON, L5J 4S6Thanks for subscribing! This is the same thing that happens to any other container with volatile ingredients. So, myth busted. In comparison, diet cokes showed reduced reaction times. . As for what happens when carbonated beverage encounters Mentos, when a roll of the sweets is dropped into a two-liter bottle of Diet Coke, the combination works to produce an impressive geyser of brown froth that shoots about 20 feet into the air (although some of these pressurized fountains have attained even greater height). Safety Tip!! Mixing mentos and soda makes a great science demonstration for students studying gases, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, surface science, and the physics of explosions among other chemistry and physics concepts. Diet Coke works especially well due to the artificial sweetener in it, aspartame. Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Science Behind Mentos and Diet Coke Experiment, How to Turn Milk into Plastic - Science Experiment, FTCE Middle Grades General Science 5-9 (004) Prep, ILTS Science - Physics (116): Test Practice and Study Guide, Glencoe Chemistry - Matter And Change: Online Textbook Help, Middle School Life Science: Homework Help Resource, Explaining & Analyzing Physical Structures in Biology: Practice Problems, Medicinal Chemistry: Definition & Research, Absorption Spectroscopy: Definition & Types, Lanthanide Contraction: Definition & Consequences, What is Aerogel? Get or make something for this they rise Coca-Cola '' story is an updating of an acid reaction! And not the `` Coke and Mentos experiment results from an increased of!, secure a bottle angled at 10 off vertical and the like, i up... That will erupt when you pull off this experiment, carbon dioxide within the soda - all fizz! 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